
Bring Out your real face

Wake up with hair that barely
Needs a brush

No Acne
Grow Young
End Eczema
Glowing Skin

Wake up younger, healthier, and happier every day with
KLISME – 105 GSM, Highest grade, Silk mark certified silk pillow covers.

(A.K.A. the enemy)

Smooth glowing perfect skin is the by product of healthy, healed, and rejuvenating skin.

And sleep is the time your skin heals itself from all the damage caused throughout the day. But by using a cotton pillowcase you are causing even more damage while you sleep. Here’s how…

Cotton increases friction

Your face touches the pillowcase ⅓ rd of your life – i.e. around 27 years of the 80-year life span. So even a little bit of cracks and lines here and there results in significant change and damage in the long run.

So as cotton has friction, sleeping on it leads to fine lines, creases, and wrinkles and over time leads to premature aging.

Sucks the moisture

Your skin loves hydration and so do I – says cotton. In battle, cotton always wins and sucks all your natural oil, moisture, and expensive cosmetics from your face leaving you dull, pale and aged.

Also as most don’t wash their pillowcase often, over time, a thin layer of filth and dust accumulates on top of the pillowcase. This grease and dust get transferred over your face while you sleep the next day leading to all kinds of problems like.. Itchiness, creases, pimples, and even acne.

Cotton has pores

Cotton has tiny little holes on its surface, called “pores”. These pores let the air circulate between the fabric. This is the reason why people prefer cotton clothes in the summer. But unfortunately…

These same pores become the ideal land for dust mites. They are little tiny microscopic organisms that live on the cotton pillowcase, eat your dead skin cells, and poop on them.

Now imagine you sleeping with your clean face on top of feces and all the grease…

How KLISME solves this?

1. KLISME is frictionless:

Unlike cotton, Klisme is frictionless. Its smooth surface soothes while you sleep leaving no scratches or lines when you wake up. It also reverses the years of damage caused by sleeping on cotton and heals your skin.

Imagine waking up with younger and shinier skin every day by improving one night at a time.

2. Keeps skin hydrated:

Klisme does not absorb. It does not absorb moisture and cosmetics from your face. Instead, it lets your face absorb all those and makes you win the moisture battle.

So with Klisme, you are not wasting products anymore and you will finally start noticing your night care routine paying off.

3. Prevents acne:

Clogged pores cause pimples and the Cotton pillow increases clogging. This is due to its absorbing nature. As it absorbs all your creams and products, over time it forms a layer on your pillow.

This layer of cream gets transferred back to your face while you sleep and clogs the pore.

If this cycle happens on a continuous basis, it causes acne. But as KLISME is non-absorbent, it reduces acne from the root cause and speeds up the curing process.

4. KLISME has zero pores:

As Klisme is poreless and natural (extracted from the cocoons of silkworms) it is hypoallergenic – meaning, dust mites can’t live. Also, it is free from harmful chemicals and synthetic additives and resists dust mites and other allergens.

Due to KLISME’s hypoallergenic nature, an added benefit is that people with dust allergy can finally wake up with clean eyes, clear nose, and un-itchy skin.

Why KLISME? (you may ask)

First of all, KLISME is made of 105 GSM, the Highest grade, Silk mark certified silk  Second, apart from the luxury, comfort, and the feel of sleeping on the silk… KLISME is natural and fresh to breathe. You wake up refreshed and energetic when you sleep on it. It gives you the kind of sleep when you had in your childhood. Remember? Those days when you felt like just fell asleep but the alarm snoozed?

‘KLISME does that for YOU every day’

Also, apart from this… KLISME is the Cure for most of the problems you face every day like…

1. Frizz and tangles

If you have curly hair, you know the frustration of waking up all tangled and frizzy.

Klisme pillowcases reduce that with their smooth, silky, child-like surface.

Imagine waking up with smooth, silky, frizz-free hair that is ready
to style and go. A Klisme pillowcase helps you do that.

2. Maintain the hairstyles

If you have curly hair, you know the frustration of waking up all tangled and frizzy.

Klisme pillowcases reduce that with their smooth, silky, child-like surface.

Imagine waking up with smooth, silky, frizz-free hair that is ready
to style and go. A Klisme pillowcase helps you do that.

3. No Split ends:

Unnecessary heat on the hair and scalp increases split ends. As cotton does not regulate temperature, cotton pillowcase increases your body temperature while you sleep leading to split ends.
But silk like Klisme is a temperate regulator. Meaning, it keeps you cool in the summer and warm in winter.
Due to this, split ends will be drastically reduced.

4. Reduces hair breakage:

Pressure and friction on the hair are the main reasons for hair breakage.
Klisme is designed to remove that. It reduces the pressure and friction on both hair and scalp levels, giving you a pressure-less sleeping experience.
Imagine waking up with healthier, more nourished hair that is less prone to damage.

5. Increases comfort:

Who doesn’t like to sleep on a silky smooth surface?
Klisme gives you the most comfortable sound sleep you have been longing for. It makes you feel rested and refreshed throughout the night, rather than feeling uncomfortable or agitated like the ordinary cotton pillowcase.
Also, it can be washed 3 times less compared to cotton and still be fresh as day one.

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For my Family


₹ 2999/each
Total: ₹11997  |  Save: ₹3000

For my loved ones and me


₹ 3499/each

Total: ₹6998  |  Save: ₹1000

For me


₹ 3999/each

Still here?

Then probably you’re a bit skeptical. I understand. So instead of us speaking… Hear what Klisme users are saying…

I don’t ask you to even believe such people as above… Try for yourself and see…

On top, to give you a risk-free deal, Klisme offers..
If you’re not satisfied with any of those 90 days, even if it’s past 89 days and 23 hours, I will personally refund every RS of your money back. That’s guaranteed.

Just mail to us

With a deal like this, what are you going to lose? NOTHING. Grab yourself a Klisme now and enjoy having a stress-free, tense-free, and happier morning.




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